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Red Dead Redemption GOTY Xbox One

  • Product Code: 0222XboxOne
  • Availability: Out Of Stock

The comprehensive package includes:; Original Red Dead Redemption game with a brand-new hardcore single-player mode; Undead Nightmare single-player campaign and multiplayer* modes; Legends and Killers Pack*, featuring additional multiplayer map locations, multiplayer characters, and the Tomahawk projectile weapon; Liars and Cheats Pack*, including the Stronghold multiplayer competitive mode, Free Roam gambling games, multiplayer horse races with combat, and the Explosive Rifle.; Hunting and Trading Outfits Pack, featuring two outfits with corresponding gameplay challenges for John Marston; Outlaws To The End Co-Op Mission Pack*, including six co-op missions for up to four players; All original pre-order content, including the Deadly Assassin Outfit, War Horse, and Golden Guns Weapon Pack; Solomon's Folly single-player gang hideout and challenges available for the first time on Xbox 360; Just-released Myths and Mavericks Bonus Pack, featuring fan-favorite multiplayer characters and all-new locations to battle in.; *Requires Xbox LIVE Gold Membership for online play.

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Red Dead Redemption GOTY