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Red Dead Redemption GOTY Greatest Hits PS3


**US Region!!**

Red Dead Redemption is an open-world, third-person, action-adventure game set at the tail end of the American West West era. Action takes place in the first few years of the twentieth century and revolves around the choices that the protagonist, former outlaw John Marston, is forced to make due to his blemished past. The game features a morality system assigning honor and fame points generated through the player's choices. It also features Wild West themed mini-games, new targeting and cover systems, extensive horse riding abilities, a wealth of period specific weapons and more than 40 huntable animals.


  • Undead Nightmare single-player campaign and multiplayer modes
  • Legends and Killers Pack, featuring additional multiplayer map locations, multiplayer characters, and the Tomahawk projectile weapon
  • Liars and Cheats Pack, including the Stronghold multiplayer competitive mode, Free Roam gambling games, multiplayer horse races with combat, and the Explosive Rifle
  • Hunting and Trading Outfits Pack, featuring two outfits with corresponding gameplay challenges for John Marston
  • Outlaws To The End Co-Op Mission Pack, including six co-op missions for up to four players  

    Product Details
    Age Restrictions 18+
    Language English
    Platform Playstation 3
    Publisher Rockstar Games
    Release date 2010

Red Dead Redemption GOTY