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Killzone 3 Essentials PS3

  • Product Code: 0007PS3
  • Availability: Out Of Stock
Tags: Killzone 3

Killzone 3 brings you back into the action where Killzone 2 left off, with Visari, the vicious Helghast dictator, lying dead at the feet of Special Forces soldiers Sev and Rico. The battle may have been won but the war is far from over. Visaris death has left behind a world of political scheming, infighting and outright murder. Meanwhile his parting gift, a nuclear bomb detonated in Phyruss, the Helghan Capital, has decimated the ISA invasion force. With no re-enforcements and supplies quickly running out, you must now fight against ruthless Helghast war machine alone.


  • Huge environments throughout the game, including nuclear wastelands, alien jungles, and arctic vistas. Levels are up to 10 times the size of those in Killzone 2
  • Fully enhanced game engine, with new optimized data streaming systems that will load texture and music content seamlesslyNew brutal melee system with a number of varied attacks
  • Control an arsenal of advanced weaponry, such as the Wasp missile launcher, in addition to trusty classics like the M82-G assault rifle
  • Face off against new breeds of fearsome Helghast enemies that wield a variety of new weapons and abilities
  • Vehicle gameplay is greatly increased, with players able to do battle from Intruders, using jet packs, and accessing a number of land-based vehicle options

Product Details
Age Restrictions 18
Language English
Platform PlayStation 3
Publisher PlayStation

Killzone 3