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The Sims 4 PC

Tags: Sims 4 PC

You create. You control. You rule. 

You can create any Sim you can dream up. Plan their lives, pick their friends, make enemies, and watch their hilarious stories unfold. Go ahead, make a Sim whose greatest aspiration is to hone his gardening skills. With enough work, he might become the world's greatest freelance botanist. Or maybe you want to create a hilarious prankster who yearns to be the life of the party. Will she end up a criminal mastermind? The choice is yours. There's no predicting how huge personalities will collide in The Sims 4 – help your Sims pursue a career, learn new skills, make friends, and start relationships. How will you rule?

Product Details
Age Restrictions 12+
Language UK
Platform PC
Publisher EA Games
Sims 4 PC